EIT Urban Mobility living labs and test beds



     Living labs

     Knowledge base platfrom

At EIT Urban Mobility living labs are instrumental for the purpose of testing, demonstrating, and piloting new user-centred solutions, and this is why our aim is to develop and manage a pan-European mobility living labs network to help cities and business roll out and trial new products and services in real-life environments.

The material shared through this Knowledge Base Platform aims to assist cities, regions, and other relevant stakeholders in developing robust local eco-systems for setting up innovative living labs. The platform provides useful information on the living labs topic and it is updated on a regular basis.

Online interactive mapping of living labs and test beds across Europe

Toolbox with a collection of learning practices and best practices about the living labs topic

Living Labs report, providing insights, tools and recommendations from successfully ran living labs

All demo and testing innovation ecosystems shown in the map embrace four key elements of the living labs approach as defined by the European Network of Living Labs: real-life environment to run experiments; triple or quadruple helix stakeholder’s involvement; co-creation activities; and end-users’ engagement.

The best practices are initiatives from successful urban mobility living labs that can function as an inspiration for other living labs, the learning practices are a collection of recommendations on how to set up and operate a mobility living lab, how to upscale, allow for citizens engagement, co-create with the end user, and evaluate impacts.

The Living Labs report – EIT Urban Mobility Knowledge base of innovative solutions in urban mobility and living labs aims to provide to the wider transport community with an understanding of the potential of successfully ran living labs, and their essential contribution to the transformation of the current urban mobility system.

A European initiative for the future of urban mobility