EIT Urban Mobility living labs and test beds

Learning practice - Case Study

CIVITAS living labs (2016-2020)

Launched by the European Commission in 2002, the CIVITAS Initiative has tested and implemented over 800 measures and urban transport solutions as part of demonstration projects in a living lab setting in more than 80 cities Europe-wide. The CIVITAS Initiative helps European cities to test and develop an integrated set of measures for sustainable urban mobility. CIVITAS cities take an integrated planning approach that addresses all modes and forms of transport in cities. They aim to demonstrate that it is possible to ensure a high level of mobility for all citizens, offer a high quality of urban space and protect the environment through sustainable mobility. It is this integrative approach based on innovation, collaboration, research, and results-orientation that sets CIVITAS apart.



Presently three European H2020 CIVITAS projects are being implemented (2016-2020).

ECCENTRIC focuses on urban freight logistics and sustainable mobility in suburban districts. The project has created five living labs in Turku (Finland), the Swedish capital Stockholm, Munich in southern Germany, the Bulgarian city of Ruse and the Spanish capital, Madrid. In these cities, the respective living labs are demonstrating the potential and replicability of innovative policies, integrated and inclusive urban planning approaches and emerging technologies. These include testing clean vehicles and fuels, as well as supporting the development of the necessary regulations in close partnership with the private sector.

The PORTIS project focuses on testing sustainable urban mobility solutions in cities with ports, including Klaipėda (Lithuania), the Scottish city of Aberdeen, Antwerp in Belgium, the Italian port of Trieste and Constanța in Romania. In these cities, the mobility measures being demonstrated aim to support the multifunctional role of cities and their ports, as gateways to inland areas. The project aims to show that sustainable mobility can increase the functional and social unity between port areas and city centres, while simultaneously benefiting the economy and attracting people to modern urban environments.

DESTINATIONS is testing balanced strategies to address the challenges of sustainable mobility in centres of tourism. The living labs are taking place on the Italian island of Elba, Madeira (Portugal), the Maltese capital Valletta, Rethymno on the Greek island of Crete, Limassol in Cyprus and on the Spanish Canary Island Gran Canaria. These living labs offer intelligent sustainable transport solutions for tourists and residents through cooperation with major stakeholders. The project aims to reduce the costs and improve the integration of transport services, while improving accessibility and reducing energy consumption and emissions.


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